You know what I'm excited for? Where the Wild Things Are. I loved the book when I was younger. It's going to be such an amazing movie because Spike Jonze is the director. YAAAAAY! I saw the trailer the other day, and I just bawled. They used Arcade Fire's song Wake Up playing and it was just brilliant.
The movie comes out the 16th of October. GO AND CHECK IT OUT. It's going to be amazing. I wish I could see it with you. I don't know when it comes out in the Swiss land, and I really don't want to see it in french. No offense, but dubs are not good. But that's my opinion.
The movie comes out the 16th of October. GO AND CHECK IT OUT. It's going to be amazing. I wish I could see it with you. I don't know when it comes out in the Swiss land, and I really don't want to see it in french. No offense, but dubs are not good. But that's my opinion.