Tuesday, December 27, 2011

family christmas

HELLO! here is just a little post about christmas this year. it was freakin' awesome and i luckily didn't have to work (christmas miracle). Anyways, here are some pics of christmas eve. i hope yours was as good.

{christmas bingo}

{beautiful baby cousin}

{my aunt made these for all of the girl cousins}

{my nephew saying cheese!}

{christmas eve meal: i had three plates...don't judge}

{my cousin's son}

{same cousin's little daughter}
{twin cousins!!!}
{I found this picture of me and my cousin. love it}

Happy Christmas! Another post will be coming soon!


Wednesday, December 7, 2011


{Heart's a Blur by Jessie Alymore}

to those who read this blog:

i'm sorry that i haven't written in awhile. i've been super busy with school and having a life. haha just kidding! i don't really have a life... anyways, this girl in my art class told me about this amazing magazine called Frankie and i ruv it. i found some of these pics on there that have inspired me and have also brightened my day a little bit. enjoy! now back to my irritated state that finals has brought upon me...

{design by Natalie Nicklin}

{NY-SEE by Julie Patterson}

{collage by Beth Hoeckel]}